Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Pike County School System is committed to equipping and empowering teachers to design and implement coherent, aligned, rigorous and highly engaging instructional units with a balance of content mastery and content application. Pike County engages a comprehensive approach to assessment which includes regular data analysis to monitor student progress and inform and adjust instruction. Pike County utilizes the Georgia Standards of Excellence as its foundational curriculum. For more information on Georgia’s standards, visit the Georgia Standards of Excellence webpage.
Pike County School Systems’ vision of “Experiencing Educational Excellence” highlights its commitment to all stakeholders. We expect everyone involved (students, faculty, staff, parents, community partnerships, etc.) to be held to higher standards of excellence.
Pike County School System provides learning experiences tailored to meet the individual needs of every student. Standards are clear, attainable, and high enough to ensure that all students are intellectually challenged. Assessments are designed to inform students of their degree of success. Assessments also provide teachers with information needed to design work that is meaningful, challenging and engaging for each student.
Through careful analysis of our data, needs and challenges, the district has identified three instructional priorities on which we will focus our work: (1) Align, maintain and monitor curriculum, instruction and assessments, (2) Increase literacy outcomes (3) Improve student growth.
District-wide initiatives such as staff development in Literacy instruction, deconstruction of standards, and using research-based instructional strategies are implemented to ensure a comprehensive learning environment for all students.