About Pike County Transportation & Bus Services
Pike County’s bus drivers go the extra mile to insure that the most precious cargo, our students and your children, are transported safely to and from their schools and all associated activities each day. Student transportation is not an auxiliary service, but a front-line support system for enabling student learning. Our drivers are required to attend safety meetings throughout the year, and they are also required to pass a physical examination each year. They are also subject to random drug testing. Our 49 buses transport approximately 1,800 students per day. Our buses travel over 500,000 miles yearly to provide safe transportation to and from school, on field trips, and for extracurricular events.
In order for our students to have the safest ride possible, the drivers diligently work making sure that the students arrive at their destination safely. The students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner on the bus without distracting the driver. The parents should have the students at the bus stop at least 5-10 minutes prior to the scheduled time for the bus to arrive. Morning routes begin each morning with the first pick up for Pre-K, Primary, Elementary, and SPED routes being at 6:30 A.M. and for Middle, NGA, ZHS, and High routes beginning at 7:20 A.M. The afternoon routes coincide with each school’s dismissal times. We strive to provide the best communication with our parents and community regarding specific bus information such as location of stops, bus numbers and pick up/delivery times. Our community must help by being patient at bus stops and obeying all flashing lights and working with their children on adhering to bus rules and behavior policies.
NOTE: Bus Transportation is NOT provided for Pike County Alternative Program (PCAP) students. They will need to be brought to school via private transportation.
Notice to Parents of a Student Riding a School Bus
Students will only be picked up and dropped off at their home address. Meeting a bus at a location other than your address is prohibited and could result in loss of bus riding privileges.
Should your child miss the bus you should make arrangements to transport them to school.
Students should remain at least 12 feet off the road while waiting at their bus stop, they must wait for the bus driver to signal to them it is safe to board the bus.
Afternoon student delivery; students should look in all directions before they exit the bus, once off the bus they should move at least 12 feet away from the bus, if crossing the road they should wait until the bus driver signal’s that it is safe to cross.
In cooperation with the Department of Family and Children Services, it is the practice of Pike County School System to ensure that parents are at home before dropping off students, specifically Primary and Elementary age, hence the following criteria has been put in place: A Parent/Guardian or approved designee, must be visible and present at the bus stop to receive students 9 years old and Younger. If a Parent / Guardian or approved designee is not visible and present at the bus stop the bus driver will transport that child back to their respective school where the parent / guardian can pick up the child.
The Pike County School District understands that events may occur outside the parent’s control that results in the student being returned to school. The parents shall make every reasonable attempt to communicate with and pick up their child from the school in a timely manner.. Repeated failure to receive your child as outlined above will result in the loss of bus riding privileges.
Bus Transportation for Field Trip & Events
1. Please keep in mind when scheduling field trips that field trips are NOT made into Atlanta on Fridays.
2. Only school system employees (including substitute teachers) and students participating in the event may ride. Driver’s children are allowed as well.
3. Only a max of 2 “parent” chaperones can ride a bus. It’s preferred that the chaperones be an employee, but that is up to school employee in charge of the trip.
4. No other “non-employees” may ride – this is based on liability reasons. They’ll need to ride in private transportation.
5. All regular day to day school bus safety rules will apply on field trips / events.
Note: Sports equipment must be enclosed in a sports bag if it is transported on a school bus.